Digital Services Act

DSA Digital Services Act Notification Background

Single point of contact according to the DSA Regulation on digital services 

Our single point of contact for Member State authorities, the Commission and the committee referred to in Article 61 of the Digital Services Regulation (Article 11(1) of the Digital Services Regulation) and the single point of contact for recipients of our services (Article 12(1) of the digital services) is:

    You can communicate with us in Czech and English.

    You can communicate with us in Czech and English (for Czech click here).

    Terms of provision of digital services by OVANET a.s.

    Digital Services Forms

    Annual reports on content moderation according to Article 15 of the DSA Regulation

    In accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Regulation on Digital Services, OVANET a.s. obliged to publish reports once a year on the transparency of moderation of the content in which he participates.

    Reports available:

    • (Such report will be available here in due course);


      OVANET a.s.
      Hájkova 1100/13,
      Přívoz, 702 00 Ostrava

      Tel.: +420 555 135 001
      Fax: +420 555 135 199

      Obchodní oddělení:

      ID datové schránky: a7cfi46
      IČ: 25857568
      DIČ: CZ25857568
      Bankovní spojení:

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